Philosopher Francis Bacon (1561–1626) was the first to put forth the idea that "knowledge is power." However, knowledge confined to manuscripts at home or in the office risks becoming nothing more than the object of self-admiration or arrogance. Publication, therefore, is the first step in transforming knowledge into power, and an inescapable academic responsibility of universities.
It cannot be denied that although the "academic image" of university presses conveys a positive air of "elegance," it creates a sense of distance from the public, fostering a stereotype of severity that hinders the dissemination of knowledge and exchange of ideas. NTU Press upholds the philosophy of being “rigorous but not rigid,” effectively bridging the gap between authors and readers through lively symposiums, creative book fairs, and innovative online platforms. These efforts have earned widespread recognition for NTU, while we remain committed to helping both domestic and international readers gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of NTU through the NTU Press.
In recent years, our notable achievements have included curating accessible and engaging series and promoting textbooks authored by local scholars. Such efforts not only incorporate emerging research perspectives from domestic scholars but also feature a wealth of local case studies. This approach helps students forge a close connection between their studies and homeland, thereby inspiring a sense of contribution. Furthermore, NTU Press actively participates in international book fairs, such as the Taipei International Book Exhibition, the Frankfurt Book Fair, and the International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS), showcasing its advancements to a global audience.
NTU is committed to building a learner-centered initiative, " Future NTU." To support this vision, NTU Press has actively encouraged young scholars to submit papers for publication in recent years, striving to transform outstanding "learners" into "authors," whose contributions can gain international visibility. In addition to furthering long-term cooperation with international academic institutions, such as through collaborating with the Department of Chinese Studies at the National University of Singapore to publish the "Southeast Asian Studies Series," we are also planning initiatives such as the "Humanistic and Social Sciences Monographs in Translation" to translate and publish forward-thinking academic monographs and cross-disciplinary textbooks. These efforts aim to promote exchanges between Taiwanese and international academia. With the rise of internet, NTU Press launched its open access (OA) platform in 2024. Our initial OA publication, Viral Loads: Anthropologies of urgency in the time of COVID-19, was met with critical acclaim. We intend to expand this OA model to serve more readers in the future.
In addition to producing monographs and textbooks, many students and faculty members at NTU are provided an opportunity to publish their research findings in domestic and international academic journals. The ultimate goal of academia is to share wisdom and create impact, regardless of the means by which knowledge is published. It is an undeniable fact that the impact factor of academic journals has become a key indicator for evaluating journals and is often the basis for rewards. This has driven some students and faculty members to risk repeated rejections in their quest to publish in high-impact journals, at times prioritizing this objective over the original purpose of their research, thus distorting the true essence of academic impact.
Fortunately, monographs and textbooks fall outside the scope of impact factor evaluations. Nevertheless, major academic and commercial publishers globally continue to strive to secure contributions from prominent scholars and enhance their marketing efforts. NTU Press has devoted unwavering effort to similar endeavors, fully recognizing that reputation stems from quality, and quality is achieved through perseverance. We firmly believe that NTU’s academic brand is not built on fluctuating impact factors but on exceptional publications. Their contributions to human civilization, welfare, and creativity represent the true impact NTU seeks to achieve.

A photo of Dean Prof. Jo-Shui Chen, then-NTU College of Liberal Arts, and Elizabeth J. Perry, Director of the Harvard–Yenching Institute (HYI), attending the launch ceremony of the NTU & HYI Academic Book Series in 2015.

The NTU Press booth at the 2024 Taipei International Book Exhibition showcasing high-quality publications to expand public access to academic knowledge.
NTU President Wen-Chang Chen (right) and NTU Press Director Chun-Che Chang (left) browsing through NTU Press’s collection of outstanding books published over the years.
Transforming ‘Sacred Religion’ into Daoism, a book published by NTU Press, was awarded the Best Chinese Language Edition Book at the 2019 ICAS 11 Book Prize.
NTU Press launches OA by offering readers access to the anthology "Viral Loads," enhancing the widespread availability of higher educational knowledge.