English as a medium of instruction (EMI) has gathered considerable momentum in the educational landscape in Taiwan. Against this backdrop emerges a pedagogical force to reckon with: EMI teaching assistants (TAs), a vital link between instructors and students that elevates teaching and learning. Therefore, the EMI Teaching and Learning Center (TLC), in collaboration with the Academic Writing Education Center (AWEC), aims to promote an inter-scholastic EMI-TA training program.
The program consists of three segments: online training videos, on-site experiential sessions, and on-site thematic workshops. To develop fundamental knowledge and skills, online video training prepares EMI-TAs for the roles and responsibilities that they assume, equips them with toolkits that boost teaching efficiency, and familiarizes them with communication strategies that foster positive interaction. To strengthen these fundamentals, on-site sessions immerse EMI-TAs in interactive explorations, where EMI challenges are imposed and coping strategies are practiced with emphasis on formulaic language use. To deepen specialization, on-site thematic workshops provide EMI-TAs with à la carte training of four core competencies: discussion facilitation, cross-disciplinary and cultural communication, activity design, and problem solution.
Priding itself on pioneering a university-based EMI-TA training program, TLC wishes to extend program gains. With tender, love, and care, TLC seeks reciprocity in cross-campus collaborative partnerships.

Group photo of 2023 EMI-TA training.

Instructor Amy (Chih-Jou Hu) introducing: Formulaic languages.

Instructor Freddy (Yi-Chi Chen) leading group discussion.