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Department of Economics: Striding Towards Localization and Globalization

In Fall 2022, the Department of Economics at NTU introduced a fully English-taught program, which has consistently enrolled 20 local and international students annually. This initiative not only effectively attracts international students and expands the student diversity, but also serves as an optimal platform for interaction between local and international students. The program fosters cultural exchange and interactions among students from diverse regions within the classroom, which is also beneficial for Taiwanese students aspiring to pursue international careers in the future.  

In addition to talent cultivation, faculty members at the Department of Economics have achieved remarkable research milestones. Between 2022 and 2023, several faculty members received pretigious awards, including Academicians of the Academia Sinica, NTU Chair Professors, National Science and Technology Council's 2022 Appointed Outstanding Research Award, Ministry of Education Academic Award, National Science and Technology Council's Ta-You Wu Memorial Award, Taiwan Economic Association's Distinguished Fellowship, Ministry of Education's Yushan Young Fellowship, and Outstanding Thesis Award for Taiwanese Economic Research, totaling 15 prestigious honors. With such a strong faculty, the department is poised for continued growth and development.

The Department has also exerted a significant influence on Taiwanese society. Professor Wu Tsong-Min's comprehensive work, "A 400-Year History of Taiwanese Economy," offers a detailed exploration that enables the general public to comprehend Taiwan's economic evolution. The book traces Taiwan's journey from its early deerskin industry, through the sugar industry era under Japanese rule, to the post-war development of the textile and electronics industries, ultimately leading to the path of modern economic advancement. The book won the first prize in the non-fiction category at the 2024 Taipei International Book Exhibition, marking a significant milestone in the Department's study of Taiwan's long-term economic trajectory.


On April 27, 2023, at the National Science and Technology Council's Appointed Outstanding Research Award Ceremony, Minister Wu Tsung-tsong presented the award to the recipient, Professor Liu Jin-tan, a distinguished professor at the Department of Economics.



Professor Emeritus Wu Tsong-min (third from the right) was awarded first prize in the non-fiction category at the 2024 Taipei International Book Exhibition for his book, "A 400-Year History of Taiwanese Economy." Professor Emeritus Wu is a pioneering scholar in the study of Taiwan’s monetary policy and economic growth, offering unique insights into the causes and processes of economic advancement in Taiwan.
