NTU has consistently encouraged teachers to conduct lessons in English, an established practice long before the MOE promoted the bilingual education program in higher education institutions. Our bilingual education strategy strives to encompass both depth and breadth, hoping to create an experience at NTU that surpasses studying abroad.
At NTU, promoting bilingual learning is not to meet the MOE’s KPI requirements but to facilitate our students’ international mobility; only by launching a bilingual program with this specific objective can a genuinely effective course plan be developed. Our goal is to encourage our students to embrace the challenge of bilingual learning and help them recognize that English as a medium of instruction (EMI) is not a burden but an opportunity to broaden their global perspectives.
With this goal in mind, NTU has established the Center for Bilingual Education (CBE) as a dedicated unit, offering EMI workshops to enhance teachers’ EMI teaching capabilities and encouraging more teachers to conduct EMI courses through the training of EMI teaching assistants (EMI-TAs), course incentives and subsidies, and other forms of support. Additionally, CBE has developed the EMI Preparation Program (EMIPP), which focuses on strengthening learners’ listening and reading abilities in the English and cultivating their speaking and writing skills. The English for Specific Academic Purposes (ESAP) course is designed to enhance students’ English proficiency and facilitate a smooth transition when they sign up for EMI courses. Moreover, all faculties and departments at NTU are encouraged to participate in the Eng-lite Program, which involves creating English Corners and organizing professional or life skill-related activities in English. These diverse initiatives provide students with more opportunities to communicate in English. Additionally, a concerted effort has been made to promote and optimize the establishment of a bilingual environment on campus, including public facilities and signs, educational software and hardware, departmental promotional materials and electronic announcements, as well as navigation systems.
Bilingual education at NTU aims to create a learning environment that fosters motivation and intrinsic drive. This approach encourages students to take ownership of their learning journey. Additionally, NTU seeks to enhance international exchange opportunities for faculty and students, allowing them to broaden their global perspectives and become active participants in global dialogues.

NTU conducts training for EMI-TAs every semester.

NTU CBE regularly holds exchange meetings and workshops for EMI teachers to enhance their EMI teaching skills.

NTU CBE organizes various English training activities to provide students with a highly diversified environment for flexible and full utilization of English and to develop learning confidence.